How This National Security Company Increased High Quality Care Utilization and Achieved Cost Savings

employer cost savings for healthcare

In today’s complex healthcare environment, it’s a significant challenge to provide high quality healthcare while also achieving cost savings. Employers, who bear the brunt of healthcare costs these days, are constantly trying to figure out how to navigate this challenge.

Back in 2021, Peraton’s benefits team identified a critical issue: Their members were not receiving the best possible care for complex conditions and procedures like joint replacements, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Without the expert guidance needed to find high quality care for these serious health concerns, members were making healthcare decisions (e.g., choosing a provider) based on convenience or quality, which often led to care that was either substandard or not needed at all.

The result? Poorer health outcomes and higher bills for both Peraton and their members.

Seeking a solution 

Peraton began the search for a new value-based centers of excellence (COE) partner. After a rigorous search, they chose Carrum Health for our ability to integrate with Peraton’s existing health benefits ecosystem—Carrum’s partnership with Hinge allows for a smooth implementation process—our willingness (and eagerness) to collaborate with other vendors, and the empathetic and personalized care provided by Carrum’s top-tier care navigators.

Peraton launched all of Carrum’s service lines (MSK, cardiac, bariatric, and cancer care) in January of 2022.

peraton healthcare cost savings with carrum health

Exploring the results: cost savings, improved health outcomes, and more

To learn more about Peraton’s experience partnering with Carrum Health, check out the case study, which includes program results such as:

  • Plan savings per episode
  • Member savings per surgery
  • Member NPS
  • ROI

The success of this partnership is underpinned by the dynamic and collaborative relationship between Peraton and Carrum Health. By continuously adjusting strategies based on program performance and employee feedback, they have significantly increased program utilization and improved health outcomes.

Peraton’s experience with Carrum Health exemplifies how strategic partnerships in healthcare can lead to significant cost savings and superior patient outcomes. By focusing on value-based care, Peraton has not only enhanced the well-being of its employees but also demonstrated that better healthcare and cost efficiency can indeed go hand in hand.

This case study highlights the potential for other organizations to achieve similar successes by adopting innovative healthcare solutions like those offered by Carrum Health.