A new standard in

Centers of Excellence

carrum surgical care carrum surgical care

Surgical care and cancer treatment are overprescribed and overcharged, accounting for up to half of a company’s healthcare spend. We are on a mission to transform how surgery and cancer care are paid for and delivered to lower costs, improve outcomes, and ensure a superior experience for all.

carrum story

Our story

The fee-for-service model for surgical and cancer care is deeply flawed. It is simply too expensive, often leads to poor health outcomes, and incentivizes far too many procedures that are medically unnecessary.

Carrum was founded on the idea that employers and patients deserve better.

After years of experience in the trenches of healthcare payments, Carrum built the industry’s first digital Centers of Excellence platform to transform the way we deliver and pay for care to improve the experience for everyone involved. Our award-winning platform has grown rapidly to become a premier surgical and cancer care solution.


We believe the current system incentivizes profits over people, and patients deserve a better experience.

We help patients and providers by using technology to simplify the confusion and inefficiencies that overwhelm the healthcare system.

While healthcare spend is rising at unsustainable rates, we have proven that value-based bundles enable better care and lower costs.

Carrum Team

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