Hard Hats to Hard Truths: Substance Use in the Construction Industry

construction industry workers

Exploring a top health issue in the construction industry

Here’s something you likely haven’t thought about whenever you’ve passed a building site or a road project: Of all occupations, the construction industry has some of the highest rates of substance use and alcoholism. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, any business involved in the construction of buildings or other projects (like utility systems or roads) is in the construction industry. It’s undeniably important work—but it’s also risky.

Is that what’s behind the prevalence of substance use disorders in this specific industry? Or are there other factors at play? And, even more importantly, what can employers do to support these workers—and keep everybody safe? This guide digs into what you need to know about substance use among construction workers.

Substance use in the construction industry

Construction is a major industry, employing more than eight million workers in the United States. These are vital jobs for our infrastructure and our economy, but substance use problems pose a real threat.

Understanding the problem

An estimated 15% of all construction workers in the U.S. have a substance use disorder. Compared to the 8.6% of the general population that has issues with substance use, employees in the construction industry have nearly twice the rate as the national average.

Alcohol appears to be the most commonly used substance, with 12% of construction workers reporting an alcohol use disorder (compared to 7.5% nationally). However, that doesn’t mean that drugs aren’t also a problem—11.6% of employees in the construction industry have reported illicit drug use within the past month. Even more alarming, the industry ranks first in marijuana use, heroin use, and pain reliever misuse.

Let’s take a closer look at why employees in this industry are at greater risk for developing a substance use issue.

Possible reasons for substance use in the construction industry

Here’s the big question to answer: Why are substance use disorders so prevalent in this industry? There isn’t a single, straightforward explanation. Instead, there are likely several factors contributing to this problem.

The first is that the construction industry is largely male-dominated. Nearly 94% of all construction workers are men, and research shows that men are more likely to consume alcohol or develop drinking problems, use illicit drugs, and ultimately develop substance use disorders. Put simply, more men in the construction industry results in a greater substance use risk.

The nature of the work could have an impact as well. Jobs in construction often require long hours with repetitive tasks and little-to-no job control (the term for the level of freedom and independence workers have in their roles). Workers can quickly become bored, burnt out, or frustrated, all of which can push them toward substance use.

Additionally, construction jobs involve manual labor and are physically demanding. In one survey, an alarming 85% of construction workers reported experiencing pain and discomfort in the past year. The industry also has some of the highest illness, injury, and fatality rates, and workers are particularly prone to musculoskeletal disorders, particularly in the lower back, shoulders, and wrists.

Whether they do so legally or illegally, workers are often left to pursue pain management (like opioids) to deal with the physical toll of their jobs. That goes a long way in explaining why the construction industry has been disproportionately impacted by the opioid epidemic.

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Specific dangers of substance use among construction workers

Picture a typical construction site and you’ll see plenty of heavy equipment and other risks like tall structures, deep holes, or busy streets. So, it goes without saying that safety is one of the biggest dangers related to substance use in the construction industry.

Construction workers put themselves at great risk to do their jobs. While they make up 4.7% of the country’s workforce, they deal with more than 20% of workplace fatalities. Substance use impairs their judgment, slows their reaction times, and worsens their decision-making—leading to increased accidents and increased risks for themselves and others.

Additionally, with any substance disorder, there’s the ever-present risk of overdose and even death.

According to the CDC, construction workers have the highest rates of drug overdose death at 130.9 deaths per 100,000 workers—about three times the rate of an average worker.

Why construction industry employers should provide a substance use program

It’s an employer’s responsibility to ensure their workers—and the people around them—are as safe as possible. Of course, that means measures like providing adequate protective equipment and complying with relevant safety guidelines.

However, while it might not be as obvious as a high-vis vest, implementing a substance use program is another important step that construction employers can take to improve the safety and well-being of workers (and thus those passing by or through construction sites).

Fortunately, an increasing number of construction employers understand the importance of a substance use program; however, the availability of these programs varies greatly based on company size—while 80% of large contractors provide relevant mental health or substance use programs, only 29% of small companies do. (It’s worth noting that the category was “mental health or substance use programs”—meaning the employer may provide a mental health program but not a substance use-specific program. The number of companies that provide a solely substance use program is likely lower.)

Ideally, all construction employers will provide adequate support and resources for workers who are struggling with substance use. And doing so doesn’t have to mean a hit to your bottom line. When you partner with a value-based substance use program like Carrum Health, you can provide high-quality care at a lower cost. Plus, your employees will pay little to nothing.

Employees in the construction industry do vital work. They (like all people) deserve adequate care and resources. Ultimately, it’s the commitment and compassion from construction employers that will break ground and transform this industry from one with the highest rates of substance use disorders to one with the most helpful and relevant employee support.

Learn more about Carrum Health’s value-based substance use treatment program.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. No material is intended to be a substitute for professional legal or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.